EEE producers that sell their products to another EU country, directly to an end user, must nominate an authorized representative to the destination country. This obligation concerns only those producers that sell straight to the end user who doesn´t act as an retailer. The end user may be a consumer (B2C) or a business (B2B).
Authorized representative is not involved to the sales chain. It can be for example a local EE producer compliance organization or a service company which is organizing the handling and recycling of the EE products and reporting to the authorities. The authorized representative takes care of the implementation of producer responsibility obligations according the local legislation. This way the producer fulfills its statutory producer responsibility obligations, ie participates in the costs of recycling and waste management of the equipment in the country of sale.
The producer organization inquiers the producers to annouce the names of the authorized representatives together with the annual reporting data. The request is sent to the reporting contact person by e-mail once a year.
Read more about authorized representation here. As a member company of Elker you can register as a producer in different countries and thus report centrally on a one-stop-shop basis with our cooperative WEEE Europe AG. Read more: European cooperation