A member of a producer organization reports the quantities of equipment, placed on the domestic market on a quarterly basis, in Elker’s reporting system and once a year equipment sold abroad, in the EU, via a separate reporting link.
Producer organizations request and compile the necessary report information from producers and continue to report to the supervisory authority (Pirkanmaa ELY Center).
Reporting four times a year
The producer submits a so-called POM (= put on market) report to the producer organization four times a year, which means reporting the number of devices put on the domestic market. The reporting form indicates separately the number of devices placed on the market in mainland Finland and Åland. It’s a good idea to make a calendar reminder of your reporting schedule. The producer organization charges a late payment fee for unreported periods.

Instructions for reporting

Before reporting, it is important to familiarize yourself with the definition of B2C / B2B / dual-use devices, as the perspective of producer responsibility differs from what is generally known. The supply, distribution or sales chain is not decisive from the point of view of producer responsibility. Read more: B2C and B2B definition
If the company has not placed equipment on the Finnish market during the reporting period, the company must make a zero report, ie fill in the form with 0 quantities and send it.
Reporting is by device category and it is important to report the device to the correct product category. Read more: Product categories
The electrical and electronic equipment to be reported, is given in whole kilograms without periods and commas. Indicate the net weight of the device (weight of the device without packaging, manuals and battery). The number of devices, such as lamps, is indicated in pieces. Based on the report data, the producer organization invoices the producer for recycling fees by equipment category and price group.
Instructions for using the reporting system are compiled in the Member Company Manual, which can be found below your producer organization. You can order a new password and report a new reporter on the system login page.
Annual reporting applies to EU distance selling
Once a year, the producer organization sends the producer a reporting link through which the producer submits the previous year’s EU distance selling report. The time is in February-March for most years. That report is therefore not included in the 4-year reporting system – There will always be more detailed instructions on this reporting, in the reporting email. In 2022, data on distance selling will exceptionally be collected from producers in April and the reporting deadline is the end of May.
For the purpose of the annual report, the following information is collected from member companies: EU distance sales of separately household / dual-use equipment and professional-only equipment directly from Finland to the end user in another EU country. All information is provided by device category, in kilograms and by country. The report also states the company’s authorized representative for each country. If the company has not had EU distance sales, the company sends a so-called zero report.