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Notice the change in packaging legislation

With the removal of the one million euro turnover threshold, producer responsibility for packaging will be extended to companies that were previously excluded from producer responsibility in the packaging sector. The changes will enter into force on 1 January 2024, meaning that companies will have to join the producer compliance organization by 31 December 2023.

Producer responsibility for packaging applies to companies that pack in Finland, import packaged products into Finland or sell their products in Finland by distance selling. A company is also responsible for its packaging if the packaging or logistics of its products is outsourced to another company. In future, the manufacturer or importer will be the producer of the packaging, not the business using the packaging, unless it is also the manufacturer or importer.

The easiest way to take care of your producer responsibility is to become a member of the producer responsibility organization through the service company Rinki Oy. There are two packaging producer organizations in Finland, Sumi Oy and Suomen Pakkaustuottajat Oy. All three also provide additional advice on producer responsibility issues in the packaging sector.

Producers must fulfil their producer responsibility obligations for all products covered by producer responsibility. In most cases, producers of electrical and electronic equipment have to take care producer responsibility for products such as packaging and batteries and accumulators. Producer responsibility will be extended in the future, as new products such as textiles will be covered.