The producer organization collects the annual report data from the domestic member companies. The annual report declares the country-specific amount of appliances distance sold in Europe and the name of your authorized representative in the destination country. The contact persons of the member companies will get an email containing the link to the separate annual report. Please note that you have to submit the report even if there were no EU distance sales. If you submit reports for more than one company, then you have to fill out the report on behalf of each company you represent using the same link. You can’t save the report and continue later, so it must be filled out in one go. After filling out the necessary data, send the report. When the report is sent successfully, the browser will display the text.
What does EU distance sales mean?
The EU distance sales means the direct sale to the end user in another European country using the distant sale means: EU distance sale happens when the seller and the buyer make a sales agreement created for remote sales with the help of the sale or service provider system. The agreement is made without the parties being present at the same time, using one or more distant communication method, i.e. telephone, mail, data network or other way. Web store, telephone sales and mail sales are typical forms of EI distance sales.
Who is an end user?
End user may be an individual or a company, who buys the appliance for their own use and not for reselling, for example. For instance, a restaurant that buys a ligh fixture and hangs in on the roof of its own restaurant space.
What data is requested in the Annual report?
The amount of appliances sold remotely from Finland to another EU country is submitted in kilograms by the main product categories (classes 1-6):
WEEE 1. Temperature exchange equipment
WEEE 2. Screens, monitors and equipment containing screens, greater than 100 cm2
WEEE 3. Lamps
WEEE 4. Large equipment (over 50 cm)
WEEE 5. Small equipment (less than 50 cm)
WEEE 6. Small IT and telecommunication equipment (less than 50 cm)
First, company data is entered: company name and Y-number as well as main contact person information. Then the country-specific amount of appliances (kg) is entered in whole numbers. The amount of appliances suitable for B2C use and for B2B use are entered in the form separately. Declare the amount in whole numbers, so don’t use a period or a comma (100.000 kg is considered as one hundred kilograms in Finland, not as one hundred thousand).

B2C appliance is the appliance that is suitable for use in domestic households. Other appliances are B2B appliances. Read more on the specifications of B2C/B2B appliances here. Examples of product categories are found here. If you are not sure, which product category your appliance belongs to, contact the member support.
Who is an authorized representative?
Authorized representative is not connected to sales, but, for example, may be a local producer organization or service company that organizes the collection and recycling of the appliances that are being put out of use. Finnish company that does EU distance sales reports the amount of appliances put on the the market to the autorized representative, who takes care of the producer’s responsibilities and also declares the amount to the local officials. The officials report to the EU commission. The company has to name the authorized representatives to the sales target countries one by one, since the legislation and practices vary a little from country to country. More details on appointing the authorized representatives here.
Does the authorized representative have to be appointed even if the amount of sales is insignificant?
Yes, the responsibility applies to all companies even in case of occasional appliances.
Why is the data collected?
The EU distance sales information is a necessary data and is required for the official annual report that has to be submitted annually by the producer to the producer organization. The matter is discussed in the Government degree on waste electrical and electronic equipment (519/2014) 15 § and 19 § and in the Waste Act (646/2011) 54 §. Data is collected only for the official annual reporting and not used for any other purpose.
Producer responsibility is a producer’s obligation also for cross-border sales in all EU countries, as well as in the UK, Switzerland and Norway. The company has to take care of the producer responsibility obligations separately in each country of destination, as legislation and practices vary slightly from country to country. EU distance sellers must register as members of a local producer organisation and/or appoint an authorised representative to take care of producer responsibility obligations in the destination country.
Have a problem and need help?
If you can´t find an answer to your question, contact Elker member support: membersupport (a)